See what others have asked.

How is SVRN different from other communities?
Most entrepreneur-investor communities evaluate based on specific business metrics. This is a great approach if you want to create a business-focused experience, but doesn't necessarily lend itself to authentic connection and friendship. Our intention is unique, which is why our evaluation criteria is unique.
How will you preserve intimacy and quality as you scale?
Our plan is to grow to thousands of members internationally. To preserve intimacy, major cities will have their own chapters, and within these, small groups will have forums. Because all new members pass through an internal screening process rather than a decentralized referral system, we can ensure that exclusivity and quality are maintained.
Can I bring guests to the events?
Each event is unique. Some are members-only, some are member-plus-guest, and some are in collaboration with partner communities.
What are your future plans?
The first milestone is to reach 300 members in LA. From here, we plan to launch a chapter in NYC, followed by Dubai, Singapore, London, and beyond. As we expand, we are simultaneously growing our media platform to spread the message of the Sovereign Lifestyle, and supporting investment into our members' companies. When the time is right, we plan to raise a venture fund to further support the ecosystem.
Can I join if I'm not in LA?
Yes, we have many members in cities like NYC, Miami, SF, Salt Lake City, Chicago, and Santa Barbara. We don't expect you to come to every event, but you should plan to make the trip to LA for the events you're interested in.
Why did you start SVRN?
Co-founders Ben and David started SVRN because they saw a huge void in the human experience. Due to our dopamine-on-demand culture, people lack real connection, resulting in a mental health crisis.At the same time, they wanted to figure out a more effective approach to venture investing, and believe that an ecosystem of vetted professionals gathering around intentional, human experiences can offer the optimal environment for trust, collaboration, and deal flow.
What are the founders' backgrounds?
Ben Spievak studied econ at UCLA where he grew his online health coaching business and served as social chair of his fraternity. These experiences gave him his first look into the power of community models. In 2021, he ran marketing and built community for a DeFi project before meeting David and beginning their work on SVRN.David Li studied finance and accounting at USC before embarking on a career with Warner and HBO, where he worked on shows including Silicon Valley and Game of Thrones. He left his corporate career in search of deeper meaning and an entrepreneurial journey just before he met Ben.Since the two have met, they have become best friends and created SVRN as a blend of their unique experiences.