November 29, 2023

Fueling Innovation with Emotional Intelligence: Bridging Heart and Tech

This piece delves into real-world applications of EI in AI-focused businesses, illustrating how emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in enhancing professional practices and decision-making in the tech industry.

Fueling Innovation with Emotional Intelligence: Bridging Heart and Tech

In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshapes our world, communities, and workplaces, the integration of Emotional Intelligence (EI) becomes crucial for a balanced and humane future. 

Here, EI challenges traditional paradigms of innovation, underscoring the need to prioritize well-being alongside efficiency.

This piece delves into real-world applications of EI in AI-focused businesses, illustrating how emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in enhancing professional practices and decision-making in the tech industry.

Understanding Emotional and Heart Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence, comprising self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, is pivotal in personal and professional development. 

Heart intelligence, a nuanced aspect of EI, involves comprehending and managing our emotions and those of others, crucial for meaningful interactions and decision-making.

The Role of EI in Tech and Analytics Fields

While analytical thinking reigns supreme in technology and data-driven industries, EI offers a complementary perspective. 

Balancing data-driven decisions with human-centric approaches can enhance problem-solving and innovation.

EI fosters a creative environment by nurturing empathy, leading to a deeper understanding of user needs and driving innovative solutions tailored to these insights.

Rethinking Success: Beyond GDP in the Age of AI

In the insightful exploration presented in "Heartificial Intelligence," a critical thesis is posited: the exclusive reliance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for productivity, often reflected through GDP growth, can have detrimental effects on society. 

This perspective challenges the notion that measures like GDP are comprehensive indicators of societal well-being, especially in an era increasingly dominated by computer-driven productivity. 

The book advocates for a more holistic approach to measuring societal success, such as Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH), emphasizing the importance of balancing technological advancement with human happiness and well-being. 

Case Study: George Kailas, CEO of Prospero.Ai, on the Integration of EI in AI

We recently caught up with SVRN member George Kailas, CEO of Prospero.Ai, to discuss the role of EI in AI and how he’s implementing EI in his company. 

SVRN: Can you share how emotional intelligence is applied in your current role or in your business environment?


The core of Prospero.Ai’s most powerful signals amalgamate and visualize institutional options bets. Many of the best Wall St. minds say knowing your opponents is perhaps more important than understanding the numbers of the businesses. 

Our newsletter picks are beating the S&P 500 by 60% this year in no small part due a well organized approach to integrating a plethora of factors, including quantifying emotions. 

Gauging social sentiment and integrating that into our signals was just the start for us. The bigger problem is that retail investors expect unrealistic returns. Instead of making the same mistake most do - overpromising and under delivering, Prospero shoots for a more realistic goal - arming users with better data and processes to improve outcomes. This intentional nurturing builds trust around managing expectations and honoring a clear standard. 

At the end of the day, I’m more of a behavioral economist than an AI guy. A lot of that starts with the inseparable difference between behavior and emotion. If you’re going to build predictive systems around stock prices, you need to understand the emotional part of that.

SVRN: How does emotional intelligence influence your approach to AI and technology projects?


At Prospero.Ai, we have seen notable successes by integrating EI into our AI projects. We feel that this approach leads to more effective and trusted outcomes compared to traditional, purely technical methods.

When we build our metrics, we do a lot of non-linear stuff, but it never goes into the system until it goes through the vetting process and the outcome makes sense. When you go pure AI, you lose the ability to fully understand how the system works. 

There’s two aspects to that. You need a way to vet it. But there’s a more important part to that. If you don’t open up the hood and analyze, you lose the ability to manually make changes that you know will help your users instantly.

The Future of EI in Technology

Looking forward, the role of EI in AI is increasingly vital. Caution is critical to the deployment of AI technologies, in contrast to a "move fast and break things" approach. 

We should ensure that AI systems are not just technically sound but also emotionally intelligent and responsible. This approach is key to the successful and ethical development of AI technologies.

Developing EI Skills in Tech Professionals

EI is already a cornerstone in future technology development. Integrating EI into core strategies of professionals at tech companies and startups is critical. 

Enhancing EI in tech professionals involves training programs, such as an experience we recently provided to members of the SVRN community.  Jesse May Wolf’s Heartrise event at SVRN placed emphasis on giving members the skills to foster an EI-centric organizational culture. 

EI Call to Action

The integration of EI with technical skills for holistic and innovative solutions is essential. The blend of heart and tech is not just beneficial but essential for the future of innovation. 

The call to action is clear: cultivate EI for personal and professional growth, especially in tech-oriented fields.

Want to unlock your potential in EI and AI? Click here to join SVRN, where exclusive events and workshops foster authentic connection and productive collaboration.